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"A truly wonderful Christmas present"

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A total of 5,000 euros have come together to support the work at the Elternhaus (Parent’s Home) at the University Children's Hospital in Goettingen. A part of the donation was collected by the employees of Mahr GmbH during the in-house Christmas party. The rest was donated by managing partner Stephan Gais.

Exactly one week before Christmas, Gais presented the symbolic donation check to Dagmar 

Hildebrandt-Linne, managing director of the Elternhaus, and to Martin Bachmann, member of the board of the sponsoring association and also an employee at Mahr. "The Elternhaus is an important facility here in Goettingen. Without the work of the staff and the many volunteers, many families would lack valuable support”, emphasizes Gais.

Plenty of commitment
The Elternhaus was created 30 years ago and stands directly opposite the University Children's Hospital in Goettingen. The parents and siblings of sick children can live there while their offspring is being treated at the clinic. Nine full-time staff, including a four-person psychosocial team, work in-house. They are supported by 30 volunteer helpers who regularly cook for the families and co-organize information stands and fundraisers – for example, the Goettingen Light Run.

Valuable donations
The sponsoring association needs around 460,000 euros per year to run the Elternhaus, pay its employees and accompany the affected families in a variety of ways. About 60 percent of this comes from donations from a foundation and many other donors. For Hildebrandt-Linne, the donation from Mahr is therefore a "truly wonderful Christmas present".
