Mahr | Mahr News

WirtschaftsWoche honors Mahr

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At the beginning of December 2020, the business magazine "WirtschaftsWoche" awarded Mahr Germany the quality seal "Valuable Employer - High Contribution to the Common Good".

The award is based on a scientific study conducted by WirtschaftsWoche together with a market research institute. Citizens throughout Germany were asked how they assess the value of a total of 2,138 companies for the common good. "This award confirms our efforts to date and at the same time spurs us on to continue living up to our corporate social responsibility," commented Dr. Bettina Mann, Vice President Human Resources. "Nowadays, a company has to go beyond purely economic concerns in order to recommend itself as an interesting employer for highly qualified professionals."


Background to the study


According to WirtschaftsWoche, economic connections are highly important for the common good. But the more successful a company is, the greater the impact it has on society from points of view other than purely economic: moral-ethical and political-social. The study investigated these influences and their assessment by citizens.


The 2,138 German companies and corporate groups assessed in an online survey had to employ at least 500 people. By contrast, the survey did not include state and denominational or (predominantly) non-profit companies or individual hospitals, universities, research institutions, associations or clubs. In this respect, the study focused primarily on manufacturers, retailers and service providers and their contribution to the common good as a genuine additional service. A total of more than 320,000 evaluations from citizens were available for the companies and business associations studied.
