Mahr | News

Cooperation promotes e-mobility

| Marketing Team

E-mobility is currently the predominant topic in the automotive industry. New solutions and approaches are being sought to drive the transition from the combustion engine to the electric motor. Together with SENIS AG, Mahr has developed a joint product to improve the quality testing of complex electric motors.

The future belongs to electromobility. This forecast for the automotive industry has increasingly come to the fore in recent years. Many vehicle manufacturers have now recognized the trend as the market of the future and reacted accordingly: they are actively shaping the change from combustion engines to electronically driven engines, so that it will not be long before electronically driven cars have reached the masses. The foundations for this have been laid.

Not all motors are the same

For vehicle manufacturers, this change has an influence on the choice of materials, vehicle design and components. At the same time, the demands on the assembly process and on the precision of the parts to be processed are changing – because electric motors differ immensely from combustion engines. Important factors are, for example, compliance with the geometric specifications of the bearing points and a uniformly strong three-dimensional magnetic field in the room – prerequisites that have not existed in the combustion engine to date. This means that manufacturers of quality control products are also faced with new challenges in meeting the complex requirements of electric motor technology.

 Form metrology with magnetic field measurement

In response to these new requirements, measurement technology manufacturer MAHR has joined forces with SENIS AG to develop a joint product that enables a new design of electric motors - and thus provides more precise information about the properties of the rotors produced. The product, the MarForm MMQ 200 with 3D magnetic field measurement, combines reliable form measurement technology with innovative 3-axis magnetic field measurement. The MarForm MMQ Formtester from Mahr was combined with a 3D Hall sensor from SENIS F3A-KM to create a product that simulates the installation position of the rotor on the measuring machine and thus enables a meaningful analysis of the running characteristics (such as the exact magnetic pole width and alignment and concentricity or eccentricity of the magnetic field). Users thus receive better and more detailed information from the motor and can produce more durable and powerful products.

Cooperation between MAHR and SENIS

Sasa Spasic, CEO of SENIS AG, and Manuel Hüsken, CSO of Mahr GmbH, signed the cooperation agreement at this year's Control. Within the framework of the cooperation, both metrology manufacturers are combining their expertise to develop inexpensive, modern products that meet the demand for quality assurance in the electromobility industry. The MarForm MMQ 200 with magnetic field measurement is the first product resulting from this cooperation.

More details and technical data about the MarForm MMQ 200 with magnetic field measurement can be found in our brochure for download and online on the homepage of our partner SENIS.
