Magas színvonalú méréstechnika a minőségellenőrzéshez a mérőszobában, a termelésben, az árubeérkezésnél vagy fejlesztésnél.
Gear Metering Pumps & Meter Mix Dispense Machines with highest accuracy for processing liquids and pastes.
High-precision rotary stroke bearings for backlash-free linear and rotational movements for use in machine and device construction.
Innovatív méréstechnika sokoldalú alkalmazásokhoz:
- • Hossz és átmérő
- • Felület és kontúr
- • Alak és helyzet
- • Fogazás és tengelyek
Folyadékok és paszták pontos keverése és adagolása:
- • fogaskerekes adagolószivattyúk
- • szivattyúk szálgyártáshoz
- • keverő- és adagológépek és keverőfejek
Golyós vezetékek holtjátékmentes lineáris és forgómozgásokhoz:
- • gépgyártásban
- • precíziós technikában
- • optikában
- • elektronikában
- • és sok további szakterületen
Nemzetközi szinten működő vállalatként a Mahrnak vannak szabadalmai nemcsak Németországban, hanem az egész világon is.
Recommended double software upgrade
For the best measuring results and process reliability, Mahr customers should update their measuring station’s software by installing the upgrade to Windows 10 together with the latest MarWin version 13. Microsoft officially discontinued extended support for its Windows 7 operating system in January 2020.
Complex measuring stations from Mahr usually consist of several components, which must be optimally matched to each other to ensure a smooth measuring process. This applies to the measuring probes, the measuring axes, and the machine control as well as the measuring and evaluation computer with the MarWin software. The Windows operating system with its numerous subprograms and drivers is also one of these measuring station components. If this changes, this can affect the functionality of the measuring devices: a non-coordinated upgrade of the operating system can cause the measuring system to malfunction. For instance, it may no longer be possible to start it, or the measurements may no longer run as precisely as before.
Customers benefit from service
Mahr therefore recommends that its customers install the upgrade to Windows 10 by the end of 2022 at the latest. However, the new operating system demands significantly more performance from the computer than its predecessor version, which can cause problems with older PCs. Therefore, for the full functionality of the measuring station, it is equally advisable to upgrade the hardware as well.
To ensure that the upgrade goes smoothly, Mahr supports its customers with "all-round carefree packages" that include not only the latest MarWin version but also the appropriate computer and on-site service. This gives our customers the greatest possible security to achieve a smooth modernization with continued precise measurement results.
Would you like to know more about MarWin upgrades and our service packages? Then please contact Mahr Service:
By e-mail:
by phone: +49 551 7073 111