Magas színvonalú méréstechnika a minőségellenőrzéshez a mérőszobában, a termelésben, az árubeérkezésnél vagy fejlesztésnél.
Gear Metering Pumps & Meter Mix Dispense Machines with highest accuracy for processing liquids and pastes.
High-precision rotary stroke bearings for backlash-free linear and rotational movements for use in machine and device construction.

Innovatív méréstechnika sokoldalú alkalmazásokhoz:
- • Hossz és átmérő
- • Felület és kontúr
- • Alak és helyzet
- • Fogazás és tengelyek

Folyadékok és paszták pontos keverése és adagolása:
- • fogaskerekes adagolószivattyúk
- • szivattyúk szálgyártáshoz
- • keverő- és adagológépek és keverőfejek

Golyós vezetékek holtjátékmentes lineáris és forgómozgásokhoz:
- • gépgyártásban
- • precíziós technikában
- • optikában
- • elektronikában
- • és sok további szakterületen

Nemzetközi szinten működő vállalatként a Mahrnak vannak szabadalmai nemcsak Németországban, hanem az egész világon is.
Mahr is the new partner of the Tool Arena

Tools, clamping technology, measuring systems and much more – numerous leading manufacturers offer their products in the Tool Arena. Now Mahr is also part of it: More than 5,000 items from the Göttingen-based company are now available online. These include calipers, micrometers and indicators, as well as height gauges and roughness gauges for mobile use. Customers receive all Mahr products at the usual conditions – without any additional costs.
The online platform Tool-Arena is a multi-vendor, independent marketplace for products from the machining industry. The aim: to simplify and accelerate procurement of products along the entire manufacturing chain. "By cooperating with Tool-Arena, we are specifically targeting all customers who use machining processes: they now have another and convenient way to purchase the right measuring equipment for their production online," says Manuel Hüsken, Managing Director at Mahr. "We are convinced that the holistic approach of the Tool Arena offers great added value in this regard."
In the Tool Arena, users can quickly and reliably find the right item among thousands of articles. This is made possible by intelligent search and filter functions, a convenient 3D configurator, and product data according to DIN 4000 and ISO 13399. "Our equipment assistant, for example, suggests products that can definitely be used on the user's machine - sorted by application," explains Niklas Vogt, Managing Director at Tool-Arena. All features of the online marketplace are available to customers free of charge. "Via the Tool-Arena, customers still buy directly from Mahr and thus receive the price that we, as a manufacturer, would also offer through our sales department. This also includes the discounts and special conditions already agreed upon," emphasizes Manuel Hüsken.
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