Magas színvonalú méréstechnika a minőségellenőrzéshez a mérőszobában, a termelésben, az árubeérkezésnél vagy fejlesztésnél.
Gear Metering Pumps & Meter Mix Dispense Machines with highest accuracy for processing liquids and pastes.
High-precision rotary stroke bearings for backlash-free linear and rotational movements for use in machine and device construction.
Innovatív méréstechnika sokoldalú alkalmazásokhoz:
- • Hossz és átmérő
- • Felület és kontúr
- • Alak és helyzet
- • Fogazás és tengelyek
Folyadékok és paszták pontos keverése és adagolása:
- • fogaskerekes adagolószivattyúk
- • szivattyúk szálgyártáshoz
- • keverő- és adagológépek és keverőfejek
Golyós vezetékek holtjátékmentes lineáris és forgómozgásokhoz:
- • gépgyártásban
- • precíziós technikában
- • optikában
- • elektronikában
- • és sok további szakterületen
Nemzetközi szinten működő vállalatként a Mahrnak vannak szabadalmai nemcsak Németországban, hanem az egész világon is.
New Managing Director at Mahr
Mahr, the long-established Göttingen-based family company, has expanded its management team: Dr. Lutz Aschke has been responsible for Human Resources, Controlling & Finance, and IT worldwide since January 01, 2021. In addition, he is responsible for the Metering Systems business unit. Dr. Aschke takes over the operational responsibilities of CEO Stephan Gais, who will move to the Advisory Board of the Mahr Group over the course of the year.
Dr. Aschke studied and earned his doctorate in physics at the Ruhr University in Bochum, Germany and has additional training in business administration and industrial science. He then held various specialist and management positions at internationally operating technology companies - most recently within the TRUMPF Group as CFO of the Laser Technology division and as Managing Director of the new "Photonic Components" business field. As Mahr's new Chief Financial & Chief Information Officer (CFO/CIO), Dr. Aschke has valuable experience in commercial corporate management in addition to extensive technical expertise.
"We are pleased to have gained an experienced managing director in Mr. Aschke, who has proven management qualities and brings an invigorating outside perspective to Mahr," Stephan Gais, Managing Partner and Chairman of the Management Board, emphasizes the decision.
Together with Udo Erath, Chief Operating Officer (COO) and Manuel Hüsken, Chief Sales Officer (CSO), as well as Stephan Gais, who will remain Chairman of the Management Board (CEO) until his change, Aschke completes the new management team of the measurement technology specialist Mahr.
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Image: Mahr GmbH
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