Metrología de alta calidad para el control de calidad en la sala de medición, la producción, la entrada de mercancías o el desarrollo.
Gear Metering Pumps & Meter Mix Dispense Machines with highest accuracy for processing liquids and pastes.
High-precision rotary stroke bearings for backlash-free linear and rotational movements for use in machine and device construction.
Metrología innovadora para una amplia gama de aplicaciones:
- • Longitud y diámetro
- • Superficie y contorno
- • Forma y posición
- • Dentados y árboles
Mezcla y dosificación precisas de líquidos y pastas:
- • Bombas dosificadoras de engranajes
- • Bombas para la producción de fibra
- • Máquinas mezcladoras y dosificadoras y cabezales mezcladores
Guías de bolas para movimientos lineales y giratorios sin holguras en:
- • Construcción de máquinas
- • Mecánica de precisión
- • Óptica
- • Electrónica
- • y muchas otras industrias
Como empresa que desarrolla sus actividades en todo el mundo, Mahr no solo cuenta con patentes en Alemania, sino en muchos otros países.
Endmaße nach neuestem Standard prüfen
The user advantage:
Manufacturing companies can now inspect gage blocks according to the latest standard in an even more user-friendly and thus more efficient way – an important component for ensuring and increasing manufacturing quality in production.
For gage blocks in sizes from 0.5 mm to 170 mm
The compact length gage offers
- a high-resolution and high-contrast color display with different measured value displays (number, pointer and bar)
- a bend-resistant cast-iron stand and is temperature-stable and insensitive to heat.
The measurement with the ergonomic measuring station is very simple
Test specimens and the reference gage block (standard) are placed one behind the other in the gage block holder on the gage block support. The measuring table is designed with wear-resistant carbide strips that enable low-friction displacement of the gage blocks. During measurement, one measuring point on the standard and five measuring points on the gage block to be tested are approached and measured in succession in accordance with DIN EN ISO 3650.
Your benefit: Maximum accuracy
The measuring station offers
- a low measurement uncertainty of MPEE1 (0.03 + L/3000) µm and
- a repeatability of +/- 0.01 µm.
You can find more information about the Precimar 826 gauge block tester with the new Millimar C1202 evaluation unit with the N1702 M-HR module here...