Metrología de alta calidad para el control de calidad en la sala de medición, la producción, la entrada de mercancías o el desarrollo.
Gear Metering Pumps & Meter Mix Dispense Machines with highest accuracy for processing liquids and pastes.
High-precision rotary stroke bearings for backlash-free linear and rotational movements for use in machine and device construction.
Metrología innovadora para una amplia gama de aplicaciones:
- • Longitud y diámetro
- • Superficie y contorno
- • Forma y posición
- • Dentados y árboles
Mezcla y dosificación precisas de líquidos y pastas:
- • Bombas dosificadoras de engranajes
- • Bombas para la producción de fibra
- • Máquinas mezcladoras y dosificadoras y cabezales mezcladores
Guías de bolas para movimientos lineales y giratorios sin holguras en:
- • Construcción de máquinas
- • Mecánica de precisión
- • Óptica
- • Electrónica
- • y muchas otras industrias
Como empresa que desarrolla sus actividades en todo el mundo, Mahr no solo cuenta con patentes en Alemania, sino en muchos otros países.
Innovative solutions for production
Problems when measuring at measuring points that are difficult to access
This often leads to difficulties, such as the transducers not being able to reach the measurement location or the lack of fixation causing vibrations or oscillations that lead to poor measurement results. Another problem is that the probe arms of mobile measuring instruments can easily be damaged.
At Control 2019, Mahr will demonstrate, using the example of a NASCAR engine, which solutions the Engineered Solutions team is using to get to the bottom of this problem in the truest sense of the word: whether oil level indication drilling or crankshaft drilling – even the most inaccessible measurements can be carried out with the specially developed bore plug gages such as MCR and MCB.
Auf der Control 2019 demonstriert Mahr am Beispiel eines NASCAR Motors, mit welchen Lösungen das Team Engineered Solutions dieser Problematik in wahrsten Sinne des Wortes auf den Grund geht:Ob Ölstandsanzeigebohrung oder Kurbelwellenbohrung – mit den eigens entwickelten Bohrungsmessdornen wie MCR und MCB können auch die schwer zugänglichsten Messungen vorgenommen werden.
Further possible fields of application are:
• Gear components: gearbox inside and outside, gearbox housing
• Cylinder heads: camshaft bore, injection bore, camshaft sensor bore, plug bore
• Connecting rods: main bore, hub bore
• Aerospace parts: bore holes for landing gear, hydraulic bores, pump bodies
• Valve guides (only with type MVG)
MES: for special cases
The mobile MarSurf Engineered measuring instruments have been specially developed to enable this type of measurement. The different types (MBF, MCB, MCR, MVG, Custom Design) cover a wide range of applications – from small to large diameters and from low to high bore depths.