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5 factors for excellent vocational training

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Trainees in the Mahr training workshop

What makes an apprenticeship a really good apprenticeship? A study lead by the social science consultancy SWI (Sozialwissenschaftliches Institut Schad), which distinguishes Mahr in the area of vocational training and further education, prompted us to ask our trainees in various areas for their opinions.

Study result: Top training conditions

The market research company SWI Finance was commissioned by the German trade journal Handelsblatt to determine which companies in Germany lead in training and further education. More than 2,400 companies participated, of which 162 companies were honored in the area of training and 69 in the area of continuing education – including Mahr. "To determine the best training, aspects such as the proportion of apprentices hired, adherence to plans and ensuring quality during the pandemic were taken into account," the article says (German article available here). The offer of dual further training at Mahr has also been positively evaluated.

Trend check: What is important?

In addition to the study results, we asked our trainees what "ideal training conditions" means to them – and whether they find these at Mahr. Are the points highlighted in the study relevant to them, or do completely different things count? Clear trends emerge from the answers:

  • Independence and independent work
  • Varied activities & opportunities to try things out
  • Contacts & internal networking
  • Tangible mentors & individual support
  • Quiet working environment

Independence and independent work
Our trainees rate the opportunity to work on their own real projects and the freedom to actively pursue ideas as one of the most important factors of all.

Varied activities& opportunities to trythings out
Monotonous activities are nothing for young trainees – at least not at Mahr. As they go through all the departments and work areas, they not only get to know all kinds of professions and activities, but also the people and the entire company. What is related to what, and where do I see myself in it all? This chance to try things out makes a real difference for many of our trainees.

Contacts & internal networking
Good contact with other employees, but especially with other trainees, is an absolute must for newcomers as well as more experienced ones, so that the work is fun. The in-house trainee introductory days significantly contribute to this: Together you make friends, help each other, experience the company and ultimately develop a trainee network that often lasts long after the end of the training.

Tangible mentors, individual support & quiet working environment
For many, good support from the trainer is also a decisive factor. Small training groups and the opportunity to discuss individual problems or questions with the mentor on a one-to-one basis are perceived as very valuable. A working environment that is suitable for learning is also important to young trainees. It is not always a question of loudness, but rather a stress-free atmosphere away from the everyday hustle and bustle. Mahr provides this through a training workshop in which only trainees and instructors are present and no external disturbances impede learning.

Excellent training at Mahr

We offer training in eight professions – and we take this very seriously. Vocational training at Mahr has been awarded many seals of quality and approval, and most recently we were once again awarded the IHK seal of quality for top training. Currently, 40 trainees are learning their new jobs in eight apprenticed professions. Nine of them have taken up the offer to complete their dual studies at Mahr. At the end of their training, 99% of all trainees are hired – this is how we ensure that young, competent people stay with the company.

Are you interested? Apply directly through our job portal or, if there is nothing suitable, contact us directly at; by phone at +49 551 70730. Also have a look at our video on training and dual studies. Would you like to do an internship with us first? No problem, you can apply here, or find out more about Mahr's career opportunities without any obligation.

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