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Die Mahr-Fokuswochen – neues Angebot für schlaue Köpfe

| Marketing Team

Ab sofort ergänzen neue Fokuswochen unser Academy Programm. Durch die praxisnahe Lernatmosphäre und den kompakten Veranstaltungszeitraum können Sie noch intensiver in relevante Themen der Messtechnik eintauchen. Los geht’s im November mit dem Thema Form & Lage.

From November 25 to 29, everything at the Mahr Academy in Göttingen will revolve around form and position measurement - in theory and practice. In cooperation with AUKOM, our experts will provide you with extensive knowledge that will prepare you thoroughly and effectively for your work.

Book now & save!

The first Mahr Focus Week on Form & Position combines a 3-day AUKOM training course with certified completion and a practice-oriented Mahr user training course. Book our attractive get-to-know offer now and save over 400€.

You can find more information in our promotion flyer

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