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Konturenmessung Positioniergeschwindigkeiten bis 200 mm/s reduzieren Messzeiten

| Marketing Team

Wer Messzeiten verringert, gewinnt deutlich an Leistungsfähigkeit. Genau hier setzt die neue MarSurf CD-Serie von Mahr an: Positioniergeschwindigkeiten bis 200 mm/s bringen Tempo in die Qualitätssicherung von Werkstücken. Mit bis zu 25-mal schnelleren Geschwindigkeiten erreicht die Mahr Produktinnovation einen ganz neuen Wirkungsgrad und Rentabilität.

X-axis positioning speed 200 mm/s The MarSurf CD series moves the contour probes along the X-axis at positioning speeds of up to 200 mm/s. This makes it up to 25 times faster than Mahr's predecessor devices, the MarSurf PCV 200 or MarSurf CD 120. Measuring speed up to 10 mm/s The highly dynamic probe system also enables significantly higher measuring speeds of up to 10 mm/s with the newly designed probe arms. Features such as the rigidity of the probe arms, the dynamics of the probe system or low vibration behavior meet the high accuracy requirements that are also demanded at high measuring and positioning speeds. Z-axis: up to 5 times faster than others on the market With up to 50 mm/s positioning speed on the Z-axis, measurements are performed twice as fast as previous Mahr Z-axes and are thus 5 times faster than other axes available on the market. All MarSurf CD series Z-axes are fully CNC-capable as standard. The automated measuring sequences also speed up contour measurements. Your benefit: Measurements become faster, safer and more profitable

  • faster: measure more test specimens per unit of time
  • safer: faster measurement results ensure production within tolerances
  • more profitable: reduction of scrap

Your benefits: the new productivity

  • reduced measuring times make measurements more profitable
  • improved production quality
  • accelerated quality assurance processes
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